Research Centre Hoogstraten cooperates with many other research institutes on a project basis and in various national and international research consortia. As a result, different fields of expertise are brought together to tackle more fundamental problems or opportunities that arise in the above-mentioned crops on an in-depth and project-based basis.

In addition, Research Centre Hoogstraten is active in various structural collaborations to optimally exchange knowledge and coordinate research programmes:

AGHRANT – Agricultural and Horticultural Research in the province of Antwerp

AGHRANT is a cooperation platform of 4 research centres in the province of Antwerp (PCH, PSKW, Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij and Hooibeekhoeve) and the Agriculture Department of the Province of Antwerp. AGHRANT was established to strengthen synergies and research activities between these centres, increase knowledge exchange and address common challenges together. AGRHANT ensures close cooperation between these centres and takes their European cooperation and project development and participation to a higher level. This results in leading and partner roles in a continuous series of highly successful European projects.


Praktijkcentra Plant

'Research Centres Plant' is a partnership, recognised by the Flemish government, between the research centres active in research and development of plant production in Flanders. The research centres plant cover applied research in arable farming, fruit growing, vegetable growing and ornamental horticulture. Here, the research programmes are optimally coordinated and grouped into one research programme per subsector (fruit, vegetables, ornamentals, arable farming). This finally results in one annual report, showing a concise selection of more than 800 trials and projects carried out with public funding. In addition, joint study days are organised and there is frequent consultation and knowledge exchange.

The Research Centres Plant partnership consists of the following practice centres:


Agrolink Vlaanderen

Agrolink Flanders is the unique collaboration platform between 18 Flemish key knowledge institutions. Founded on 8 December 2014, Agrolink Flanders aims to be the recognised contact point for the agribusiness, research community and policy in agriculture and horticulture.

Through thematic and sector platforms, synergy between members and experts is promoted through knowledge exchange, discussing future research with an eye to policy and strategic consultation.

Members are Fac. Bio-ingenieur van UGentFac. Bio-ingenieur KULeuven, ILVO, HOGENT, KBIVBPPVPLVB, HooibeekhoeveProefcentrum HoogstratenInagroPSKW, PCA, PCG, PCS, Pcfruit, VCBT, PC Bijen and VITO.

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